Dunchurch Boughton CofE Junior Academy

Ask Seek Knock - Matthew 7.7

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Our Intent for the Curriculum

  • To ensure children leave our school with high standards of literacy and numeracy, while enjoying and achieving in a wide and varied curriculum.
  • To ensure no child gets left behind, regardless of their social and economic situation or any additional needs they might have.
  • Our curriculum will help us to use our Christian ethos to develop in all children, including those of other faiths or none, the values underpinning our school: kindness, patience, honesty, forgiveness, peace, generosity and thankfulness.


Curriculum Implementation

Knowledge forms the foundation of pupils' education and it is upon this certain skills can be developed by working from the Programmes of Study in the National Curriculum, which have been carefully mapped out to ensure progression from key stage 1 until the end of key stage 2. The following documents set out what is taught in each year group - more detailed information can be found on the knowledge organisers.

We aim to give our children a firm understanding and grounding in the basic subjects and place particular emphasis on Mathematics, English and Science. 

Other separate subject areas include Humanities, Design Technology and Art, Computing, Religious Education, Music, Physical Education and French. Some of the foundation subjects are taught weekly, while other are blocked into 1 or 2 week units. The full range of foundation subjects are taught to all year groups to ensure a broad curriculum is enjoyed by all pupils.

At our school there are opportunities for all pupils to be taught by specialist teachers and this increases as the children move up the school. Specialist teachers are employed for music, French and sports.


We also provide the children with opportunities to learn about sustainability and enterprise by planning and running events like the Christmas Fair  and charity days. Through 'Looking for Learning' and 'Building Learning Power' the children develop their own understanding of learning and practice skills which help in all lessons.


We are very lucky to have amazing school grounds, with a large field and so we aim to provide lots of opportunities for outdoor learning.

Other areas of the curriculum include:
