Dunchurch Boughton CofE Junior Academy

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Our Academy Governance Committee (AGC)

Welcome to the Governor section of Dunchurch Boughton Junior Academy. The role of the AGC is to work with the multi-academy trust and the school staff to ensure that every child in the school achieves their full potential.


The AGC has 3 main roles:

1. To provide a strategic direction for the work and improvement of the school

2. To support, monitor and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the school

3. To ensure accountability for the standards achieved and the quality of education


We have an excellent and committed group of governors from a range of backgrounds, each of us offering a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Mrs Read, Mrs Lee and the Senior Leadership Team manage the school on a day-to-day basis and the AGC meet regularly, as necessary, to look at specific projects, developments and to monitor the work of the school.


We support and challenge the staff to make sure that all the children are making good progress, that everyone is safe in school and that all legal requirements are adhered to.

We celebrate the achievements of children and staff, and do our best to make sure that the school nurtures lifelong learners.


We are always happy to hear from parents and other members of the local community – both in terms of what we are doing well, and also about things we could do better. Please contact us via the School Office (office.juniors@dunchurch.covmat.org) 

Mike Nokes Chair of AGC 


Please address any correspondence to the school, FAO M Nokes

Our Academy Governance Committee 


Mike Nokes

Co-Chair and Foundation AGC Member


Mike is a retired Chartered Accountant and has lived in Dunchurch since 1986. Mike’s two daughters attended the two Dunchurch Schools and he now has Granddaughter in Year 3 in the Junior Academy and a younger granddaughter in the Nursey. Mike was previously a Governor of the then Dunchurch First School many years ago.


Danielle Read

I am the Co-Headteacher of Dunchurch Boughton CofE Junior Academy. I have worked across both Dunchurch Academies as Literacy Lead, Assistant Head, Deputy Head, Head of School and Headteacher. I have led many different aspects of school improvement and I am passionate about making sure children have a positive school experience. I completed a degree in Management Sciences at Warwick University, before working for Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service with responsibility for data. I then followed my ultimate goal of becoming a school leader by completing a PGCE at the University of East Anglia and a Masters in Education back at Warwick. More recently I have successfully completed the NPQH leadership qualification. I have previous experience of governorship, having held the role of Staff Governor at Dunchurch Boughton Junior School and then attending meetings as an observer in my role as Deputy and Head of School.


Brian Shields - Safeguarding 


Brian has been a parent governor for 8 years. During this time, he has been part of the team supporting federation of the two schools and joining the Multi-Academy Trust. 

He has held early years and SEN roles and is currently governor responsible for safeguarding. His children have all attended Dunchurch infant and junior schools and two currently still attend. 

Brian is a consultant in general paediatrics at University Hospital, Coventry. He graduated from Glasgow University in 2003. He trained in Glasgow, London and around the West Midlands before taking up his consultant post in 2013. 


Tina Carrington - Staff Governor - awaiting content

Minutes of Governors meetings are available on request from info@covmat.org.
