Dunchurch Boughton CofE Junior Academy

Ask Seek Knock - Matthew 7.7

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Helping Your Child With Spelling Homework

One way of helping your child is testing them or encouraging them to spell the word out loud.


The Look, Say, Cover, Write method is an effective way of learning spellings:


  •   Look carefully at the word.
  •   Say the word and the spelling out loud to yourself.
  •   Copy the correct spelling.
  •   Take a mental photograph in your head.
  •   Close your eyes and see if you can print that 'photograph' in your head.
  •   Take another look at the correct spelling.
  •   Cover the correct spelling.
  •   Write the word.
  •   Check to see if you have got it right.
  •   Repeat the whole process until you are sure you have the word correctly in your head and you can write it.

