Dunchurch Boughton CofE Junior Academy

Ask Seek Knock - Matthew 7.7

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Bart Gee visits DBJA: Turning Disability Into Possibility

We were delighted to welcome Bart Gee to DBJA recently; his story resonates powerfully with our Christian vision: Ask, Seek, Knock. Born with Arthrogryposis, doctors told Bart's parents he would never walk, may never sit up independently; they were given a bleak outlook. Bart's parents were part of a Christian community and their pastor prophesied to his parents that little by little, Bart will be able to do more and more new things that will amaze people. The church community prayed to God and asked for his intervention...and wow - did God answer them! Please watch Bart's incredible journey below.



DBJA Spirit Ambassadors presented their ideas on the Holy Trinity in collective worship before half term (One God in 3 forms: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). The children had worked hard to break down this often tricky concept to the rest of the school. Here are some of their creative ideas:


The Trinity is like an apple - the apple peel protects the fruit, just like God the Father protects humankind. The flesh of the apple is like Jesus (God's Son, who came to earth in human form) and the seeds of the apple, often invisible, but right at the core of the fruit (just like God the Holy Spirit) are essential for new growth.


The Trinity is like water with 3 forms - liquid, ice and vapour. 


The Trinity is like a special shampoo that has one bottle but 3 purposes and washes your sins away (think of it as Holy Water).


Well done for developing these ideas and it will be great to hear more of your thoughts in the Collective Worship.

Ask, Seek, Knock: Our school song!

In recent weeks, we have brought more energy and joy to daily Collective Worship by singing our school song and learning these fabulous moves, learnt from IMYC as we learn to ask, seek and knock! (Matthew 7:7). Original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3vXskhI1ig
