Dunchurch Boughton CofE Junior Academy

Together we are stronger

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The academy has strong links with the local community and the Parent Teacher Association plays a very active part in developing liaison between the staff, pupils, Governors, parents and friends of the academy. Although the Association raises substantial funds to help finance projects, it is not intended as being purely a fundraising instrument. A whole range of regular and varied social functions are arranged to help strengthen the bond between parents and school.  


The committee make decisions about forthcoming events and how funds are spent. Please feel welcome to come along to the next meeting and find out how we enhance school life for all children passing through Dunchurch Junior Academy.


How the PTA contribute to school:

School discos throughout the year

'Break the rules' days

After school hot chocolate sales

Christmas wreath making 

Jingle Bell Jog

Christmas Fair and Father Christmas gifts

Christmas raffle

Fun Easter Egg Drop

Easter Egg raffle

Leaver's gifts for Year 6 (hoodies and yearbooks) 

Year 6 Leaver's BBQ and disco

Dunchurch village fete - the PTA run a stall

Juice/ snacks for sports day

Refreshments for Year 4, 5 and 6 residential trips, open evenings, school shows and concerts


How money raised was used in 2022-2023:

  • new library books
  • 'Buddy bench' on playground
  • Christmas selection box for each child
  • Easter egg for each child
  • Scissor lift for egg drop
  • Coronation bookmark for each child
  • Refreshments for school events
  • Leavers' disco and BBQ
  • Subsidy for leavers' hoodies


This is a fantastic achievement and wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of the PTA and generous support from families and friends.


The PTA would like to thank parents for their continued support and hope you can help raise more much needed funds during this year.




