Our vision for maths is…
- For there to be exceptionally high levels of numeracy among our children by the time they leave our school, achieved through exposure to concrete, pictorial and abstract experiences.
- For all staff and pupil to share an enjoyment of maths.
- For children to be confident using maths in a range of different contexts.
At Dunchurch Boughton CofE Junior Academy, we follow a Teaching for Mastery approach to Mathematics. This involves dividing learning into small steps so that each step builds upon prior knowledge and helps pupils to develop understanding in addition to fluency.
Children are taught maths everyday. During each lesson, children explore and unpick methods of solving problems, where the focus is on the explanation rather than just the answer. A range of physical resources or manipulatives are available for the children to use to aid their learning. Pupils are encouraged to show their calculations through pictures and bar models as well as formal written calculations.
We provide same day interventions as needed to enable pupils to keep up with learning and address any gaps in their understanding. Targeted questioning and challenges are provided in lessons to stretch and deepen the understanding of pupils who grasp concepts quickly.
Throughout the year, we focus on the importance of an accurate and rapid recall of number bonds and times table facts.
We believe that all children can be successful in Mathematics and endeavour to develop resilience and perseverance when reasoning and solving problems.
Useful websites
Hit the Button- good for practising number bonds, times tables and division facts.
BBC Supermovers- good for learning times tables
Times Tables- good for practising times tables.
BBC Bitesize -
videos, guides and games linked to different Maths curriculum objectives for all year groups.
Timestable Rockstars - As a school, we subscribe to Times Tables Rockstars. Pupils can engage in targeted times table practice and have competitions against their peers.
All pupils have individual log in details. Please contact the office if you are unsure of your child’s log in.
White Rose 1 Minute Maths - good for supporting your child with their number recall. Subitising, Addition and subtraction sections are aimed at KS1 and are good for helping to build number confidence and fluency. The multiplication and division sections are aimed at KS2. Three word code: nib-man-lip:
Useful Apps
Hit the Button App
White Rose 1 Minute Maths App